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My Songs
My Essays

1. Print dir Just for printing in the library...
2. Queen's College HK My high school
3. Dawson Engler My CS 140 prof... (prepare for a surprise)
4. CSS eshop Online shopping site that I worked on in summer 2000.
5. SLE Final's notes final.pdf
6. SARA -View Dir- A set of LISP programs that compose music automatically, originally written by David Cope. I modified some of them and wrote new ones last summer as a research project. The file contains my modification.
7. Parallel 5th checker LISP program written for Alvin for his music 21, 22, 23 assignments. Automatically checks whether there is parallel 5th in an n-part harmony. First use this program to convert a midi file into a lisp note-list.
8. Neural network project A project on neural networks with Dave and Caroline, during sophomore college 2000.
9. RMSS Reliable Media Streaming Service: an open-source video streaming server and client package, developed by the Chinese University of Hong Kong. I learnt a lot about computer networking when I worked on this project in summer 2001.
10. Wen Hui Daily ATI in the news